Right to Life – LIFESPAN believes that human life has value in all stages of development from conception until natural death, and is committed to speaking on behalf of those who cannot speak for themselves — the pre-born, the aged, the incapacitated. LIFESPAN does this through education, Generation Truth youth events, and our Wee Care outreach program for new mothers in need. Our logo (directly below) symbolizes our commitment to caring for the full LIFESPAN from the preborn to those reaching the natural end of life.

Our Wee Care Outreach Program supports moms and their newborns with emergency material goods including diapers, wipes, and clothing.

Standing up for the most innocent from beginning to end of life since 1970.

Our Generation Truth Outreach Program works with youth in the metro Detroit area. Through education and advocacy, this program forms the next generation of pro-life leaders.

2024 Links for Life

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